A cuppa and a chat for women in Cardiff
Drop in for a cuppa and a chat at Helping our Homeless Wales’ women-only safe space at the Safer Wales Building in Cardiff. Open from 11am to 1pm on every second and fourth Wednesday of each month…
ITV News reports on homeless deaths in Cardiff
ITV Wales reporter Gwennan Campbell accompanied volunteers from the charity on one of their rounds the streets of Cardiff, providing warm clothing and food to those who are rough sleeping…
Cardiff rough sleepers speak out
Wales Online joined a walkaround in Cardiff city centre with volunteers from Helping Our Homeless Wales, helping rough sleepers with food, clothes and essential items. They responded to Suella Braverman’s recent comments about homelessness as a “lifestyle choice”…
Homeless people could die on the streets, ITV News reports
Homeless people could ‘die on streets’ as Welsh charities ‘at risk of collapse’. ITV News spent an evening with Helping our Homeless Wales, a self-funded charity currently seeing a huge rise in the number of people coming to them for support.
Fundraising for streaming equipment
The charity is currently fundraising to buy equipment so that we can stream our ‘Cooking on a Budget’ lessons to locations in Powys, to help more people learn ways to feed themselves and their families cheaply and healthily when living in financial hardship.
Scout hut giving people food, warmth and company
The BBC have reported how the group of friends who set up our charity for homeless people have expanded their work by converting an old scout hut into a community hub…
Help Us Deliver Hope
Covid-19 has compounded the homelessness crisis and our need for Delivery Drivers to transport life saving essentials to our Street Teams has accelerated. We urgently need organised, self-confident drivers to strengthen our Logistics Team.
Grant from the Darkley Trust
Helping our Homeless Wales has been awarded a grant from the Darkley Trust towards the costs of sleep pods, food containers and cups, and towards continuing a craft group for the vulnerable and those struggling with mental health or poverty.
Supporting Period Poverty
The team has been supporting local schools with period poverty tins. We made up these tins with nice gifts for the girls, so that periods were not the only thing that they had to face, but the gifts meant that they had some nice things also.
Easter Appeal
Helping our Homeless Wales will be ensuring that everyone on our books, whether street homeless or in financial hardship, will receive an Easter egg this year.
Nominate us for Dunelm Community Support
Helping our Homeless Wales asks our supporters to nominate us for Dunelm Bridgend’s Community Support.
Food Pantry Open in Builth
With all the support needed locally, we’re running a free food pantry, open daily in Builth Wells. If you’re in need, come along and bring a bag or a box. We also welcome donations of food and essential items.